Captioning sucks

Today, Joe Clark is saying “Captioning Sucks!” with a new website.

Why does it suck?

There’s not enough of it.

  • Your complaints are ignored (if you can even manage to file a complaint).
  • Captions are hard to read, mostly because of lousy fonts.
  • Deaf people settle for less than 100% captioning.
  • Broadcasters use the wrong kind of captioning (like scrollup or real-time captioning).
  • So-called regulators let broadcasters get away with murder—because regulators and broadcasters play a game of musical chairs and swap positions over time.
  • And finally… there are no standards.

Joe’s research project, the Open & Closed Project aims to solve that last problem and Captioning Sucks exists to raise awareness on just one of the issues the Project will address.

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