Monthly Archives: June 2006

PAS 78 – available for free

“PAS 78: A guide to good practice in commissioning accessible websites” is for those responsible for commissioning or maintaining public-facing websites and web-based services. It’s now available free of charge from the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) website.

Posted in Accessibility | Comments Off

Centering an unordered list inside a div

Earlier today I needed to create a centered div containing a centered, inline, unordered list to represent a results paginator similar to what you see at the bottom of search result pages. This had me scratching my head longer than … Continue reading

Posted in Markup | 2 Comments

@Media 2006 Saves England World Cup Dreams

A week sure goes quick, this is my first opportunity to write about this year’s @media 2006 conference in London. Bigger and better than last year we all had the awful decision to choose who to see with the two-track schedule but I had to keep it real and inline with what I’m most likely to be doing at work so the decisions were made slightly easier for me. So, onwards with my tale of @media 2006, England, the World Cup and link-lovin’ name dropping. Continue reading

Posted in Conference, My News | 2 Comments