Category Archives: Web Apps

Posts relating to useful web applications

Microsoft unleashes improved Firefox

Blimey! Did I fall asleep and not read about this development? or was this a well-kept secret? Microsoft unleashes improved Firefox | The Register.

Posted in Web Apps | 3 Comments

A Guide to Yahoo! Social Media Tools

Yahoo! now offers several free interactive tools for publishers, bloggers, and podcasters — for anyone who creates content for the web. It’s a breeze to add simple action buttons to a web page to make it easy for users to … Continue reading

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Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 Preview checklists

Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 to the public today. Make sure you read the Preview checklists before you install, test, and evaluate the browser and your sites. Microsoft have provided a checklist for that very purpose.

Posted in Web Apps | 1 Comment