Category Archives: Process

Posts relating to managing web projects

The Open and Closed Project

Today, Joe Clark launches an appeal for supporters to donate small amounts of cash to start up a research project. Known as micropatronage, Joe is seeking to raise some capital to see him over for four months whilst he raises the $7 million Canadian for an accessibility research project he has dubbed (no pun intended) “The Open & Closed Project”. Continue reading

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Web Essentials ’05 PodCasts

Well, my company wouldn’t stump up for a trip to Australia so it’s great to have the presentations available as podcasts. Head over to the Web Essentials ’05 PodCasts page and at least hear what we missed.

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Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) has published Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization. The 5-page resource suite describes social, technical, financial, legal and policy aspects of Web accessibility. It is designed … Continue reading

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