That Standards Guy



That Standards Guy is the online persona of Karl Dawson, a web developer living and working in Ipswich, England.

I'm a member of the Guild of Accessible Web Designers and the Web Standards Group and team member at Accessites—an awards site to recognise accessible and usable websites.

I specialise as a front-end developer and worry about the minutae of semantic (X)HTML and CSS, accessibility, microformats, typographic rhythm and grid design. I also care about the user experience and remind myself constantly of visitor site goals when working with clients and their aims.

That Standards Guy is proudly powered by WordPress using my own “StrictlyTSG v3.0” theme. Site Policies.

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@Media 2006 Announced

@media 2006: Europe's Premier Web Design Conference. London, 15th - 16th June.

YES! Diary entry made, countdown started: London, Thursday 15th - Friday 16th June 2006.

The @media conference returns to London this June, bigger and better than before. It’s the event of the year for anyone interested in learning about and discussing the latest approaches to web design with some of the world’s most highly respected experts.

Having learned so much and met so many people last year I can’t wait to go. But I must hasten to point out that the show must finish exactly on time on the 15th (if not a little early) as England will be playing Trinidad and Tobago in the World Cup! :P

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